Digital Object Identifier

The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is an Internetbased global naming and resolution system that provides persistent links for the precise identification, retrieval, and trading of digital items in the form of articles, books, images, bibliographies, supporting data, videos, charts, tables, audio, and other electronic files. A DOI is created from two components, a prefix (10.1000 and a suffix (123456) and together it is presented as 10.1000/123456). The prefix is an identifier for the publisher given to the publisher by the DOI system and the suffix is created by the publisher for identifying a specific publication.

Hygiea Internationalis uses DOI links in order to provide our authors with persistent and correct links. A DOI for Hygiea is built after the LiU E-Press prefix: 10.3384 and DOI:s for Hygiea created after the first word of the journal name Hygiea and the online ISSN: 10.3384/hygiea.1403-8668. After the ISSN (1403-8668) is the information of each article added such as volume, issue and the first page number of the article. For example 044129 where 04 is the publishing year, 4 the volume, 1 the issue and 29 the first page number of the specific article. The complete doi for this article would be as below. Click on the link to get to the article.

DOI: 10.3384/hygiea.1403-8668.044129

A DOI makes it also possible for you, as an author, to discover how your publications are being cited and to include that information into your online publication. Linköping University Electronic Press (LiU E-Press), our journal host, is a member of CrossRef which provides the Cited-by Linking service. In order to make this work all new volumes and issues are registered (including all the articles within each new issue) and sent to the CrossRef database system.. CrossRef then alerts us when an article at LiU E-Press is cited and we incorporate that information into the cited article. Click on the DOI link above and see the citations after the headline Citations in CrossRef.

Read more about the DOI system at The International DOI Foundation (IDF).