Welcome to Hygiea Internationalis

An Introduction

The electronic journal Hygiea Internationalis is the official journal of the International Network for the History of Public Health. The publication has been made possible by the generosity of the Swedish Research Council (VR) and Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS).

The focus of INHPH is to promote, in the broadest sense, the study of the history of collective efforts for the improvement of the health of populations from antiquity to modernity with particular emphasis on the interdisciplinary analysis of the interaction between ideas on public health, organizations created to carry out these ideas, their implementation, and their social and demographic consequences.

Papers submitted to Hygiea Interanationlis are subjected to a rigorous peer review process based on two moments of selection: an initial editorial screening and a double-blind review by at least two anonymous referees. The journal itself will contain accepted articles, shorter pieces concerning sources, archives, etc. and, eventually, book reviews. To reach the journal see Current issue and Back issues. Bound paper copies of the main body of the journal will be available at a reasonable cost for distribution to libraries, authors and anyone who wishes to purchase them. The journal actively screen papers for plagiarism.

The logo is designed from a photograph taken by Professor Øivind Larsen, University of Oslo. It is a relief by Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770–1848) showing Hygiea giving sustenance to the snake of Aesculapius.

For more information on how to submit contributions and the desired formats, see Info for authors.

Call for Papers

Both quantitative and qualitative original researches are welcomed, as well as researches and theoretical studies that classify as below may be eligible for publication: (1) Original Articles; (2) In-depth Reviews; (3) Cases Reports; (4) book reviews.

Sam Willner