
Dynamic Evacuation Planning by Visual Analytics - An Expert Survey

Peter Hoffmann
Visualization Research Center, University of Stuttgart (VISUS), Germany

Markus Höferlin
Visualization Research Center, University of Stuttgart (VISUS), Germany

Andreas Kirstädter
Institute for Communication Networks and Computer Systems, University of Stuttgart (IKR), Germany

Daniel Weiskopf
Visualization Research Center, University of Stuttgart (VISUS), Germany

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Ingår i: Proceedings of SIGRAD 2013; Visual Computing; June 13-14; 2013; Norrköping; Sweden

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 94:1, s. 3-10

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Publicerad: 2013-11-04

ISBN: 978-91-7519-455-4

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


In a formative user study; we evaluated the requirements of visual analytics for dynamic evacuation planning. To this end; we created a prototype that implements the visual analytics methodology and is able to compute; visualize; and interact with evacuation routes in emergency situations in buildings. Using this prototype; we conducted an expert survey including a psychologist; a consultant for building safety measures; and a building planner. The survey provides essential information needed to build a tool that is able to evacuate people inside a building safely. Additionally; we report on results of the survey regarding technical limitations in obtaining data such as the evacuees’ position and their number to calculate the shortest routes during evacuation.


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