
People From Under the Lone Oak: Using Culture for Constructing Identity in Local Livs’ Community

Aleksandra Wierucka
University of Gdansk, Poland

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Ingår i: Current Issues in European Cultural Studies; June 15-17; Norrköping; Sweden 2011

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 62:17, s. 159-168

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Publicerad: 2011-11-22

ISBN: 978-91-7519-993-1

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


The paper describes ways of constructing cultural identity of one of the smallest European nations – the Livs; who live on the north shores of Baltic Sea in Latvia. Brief historic and cultural overviews are the background for following Livs’ stories; in whose lives historical events are interwoven. The stories show how Livs are using their cultural resources in order to construct local communities.

The stories share some common points; but each one is different as it focuses on matters important for each speaker. Looking at individual stories through history and vice versa enables us to perceive Livs’ culture in new dimension and at the same time to perceive what is truly important: consciousness of cultural identity that enables Livs to endure all misfortune. Preserving the fragments of centuries old traditions prove to be the only way to subsist culture.

The paper can also be considered a part of this year’s celebration of Year of Liv Language and Culture.


Inga nyckelord är tillgängliga


Blumberga; Renate (2010). Ancient History of Livs; http://www.livones.lv/libiesi/vesture/senvesture/?raksts=236; accessed on 29.01. 2011.

Ernštreits; Valts. The Liv Language Today; http://www.livones.lv/libiesi/ valoda/?raksts=168; accessed on 20.11. 2010.

Mednis; Janis (ed.) (2006). Green; White and Blue; Ryga: Kolkasrags.

Viires Ants (ed.) (2006). The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire; http://www.eki.ee/books/redbook/; accessed on 15.01. 2011.

Damberga; Baiba (2006). Introduction; In: Mednis; Janis (ed.) 2006. Green; White and Blue; Ryga: Kolkasrags.

Nakamura; Juki (2008). The Livs; Stockholm: Booksencounters.

Šuvcane; Valda (2008). The Livs. A brief look at their history; In: Nakamura; Juki. 2008. The Livs; Stockholm: Booksencounters.

Waligórski; Milosz (2010). Ludzie z wybrzeza; http://www.pk.org.pl/artykul.php?id=115 accessed on 23.09. 2010.

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