
Workshop: Service design for social innovation: a strategic approach to strengths and weaknesses

Anders Emilson
MEDEA, Malmö Högskola, Malmö, Sweden

Anna Seravalli
MEDEA, Malmö Högskola, Malmö, Sweden

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Ingår i: Conference Proceedings; ServDes.2010; Exchanging Knowledge; Linköping; Sweden; 1-3 December 2010

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 60:23, s. 155-157

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Publicerad: 2012-09-20

ISBN: 978-91-7519-770-8

ISSN: 1650-3686 (tryckt), 1650-3740 (online)


The workshop will focus on the challenges of service design for social innovation. Starting from the participants experience in research; practice/action research and education; the workshop will be aimed at brainstorming about which skills; methods and role could respond to the weaknesses of design pointed out by different actors working within the field of social innovation.


Inga nyckelord är tillgängliga


Burns; C. Cottam; H. Vanstone; C. Winhall; J. (2006). RED Paper 02; Transformation Design; London; Design Council

McCullagh; K. (2010; 9 24). Is it time to rethink the t-shaped designer? Retrieved 11 15; 2010; from Core 77: http://www.core77.com/blog/columns/is_it_time_to_rethink_the_t-shaped_designer_17426.asp

Mulgan; G. (2009; 12 09). Strengths; weaknesses and a way forward? Retrieved 11 14; 2010; from Social innovation exchange: http://www.socialinnovationexchange.org/designforsi/blog?page=1

Parker; S. (2009). Social animals: Tomorrow’s designers in in today’s world; RSA Design and society Vincent; S. (2009; 12 25). Les designers sont-ils forcément de bons innovateurs sociaux ? Retrieved 11 14; 2010; from La 27e Region: http://la27eregion.fr/Les-designers-sont-ils-forcement; (english version: http://www.socialinnovationexchange.org/designforsi/blog) ServDes.

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