Conference article

Ett eget rum

Jenny Björklund
Växsjö Universitet, Sweden

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Published in: Kultur~Natur

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 40:16, p. 155-160

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Published: 2009-10-26


ISSN: 1650-3686 (print), 1650-3740 (online)


Louise Boije af Gennäs and Mian Lodalen depict two kinds of female bodies in their novels: the heterosexual upper-or-middle-class body and the lesbian working-class or left-wing activist body. The heterosexual upper-or-middle-class body is controlled and kept in place in various ways—through clothing; make-up; gestures and even eating disorders. The lesbian working-class or left-wing activist body is described as a place for freedom. It is depicted as natural and is not limited by clothing and make-up; and thus becomes less controlled; it can express sexuality and take up space through gestures and other bodily expressions. This paper focuses on the representation of different bodies in Boije af Gennäs’ and Lodalen’s novels and the influence of gender; sexuality and class on the body’s possibilities to express itself and claim its space in the world. The body thus becomes a place where different identities as well as ideas of nature and culture meet.


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