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Submission and Citation

How to submit: Please refer to the 'About ETAI' item in the webpage menu for information about how to submit an article to ETAI.

All ETAI published articles are available under Open Access and are guaranteed to remain so for the foreseeable future. The same applies for the subsidiary information that surrounds the article, such as the peer discussion about each article. Link�ping University Electronic Press, which publishes the electronic version of the ETAI, is obliged by contract to keep the information available.

How to cite ETAI published articles: Each article that is accepted for publication in the ETAI obtains an official citation page with its own URL, for example ej / etai / 2000 / 006 . It is intended that reference to the article, for example in the reference lists of other papers, shall be made using this URL. The citation page is therefore a small, HTML-coded webpage that contains the basic bibliographic information about the article (author, title, etc) and links to files with the full text of the article. It is self-explanatory so that it can be understood correctly in whatever context it is invoked, and not merely in the context of the ETAI website. In addition, the citation page serves as a kind of receipt that the article has been accepted by, and published by the ETAI.


Latest update: 20.8.2004