Electronic News Journal on Reasoning about Actions and Change

The News Journal contains an archival version of the interactions that have taken place in the ETAI area of “RAC” (Reasoning about Actions and Change) during the publication period. These interactions include review discussions, on-line panel discussions, and general news.

From day to day, the interactions are communicated via E-mail to the members, and using the ETAI-RAC webpage. The News Journal is an additional channel that serves the following purposes:

  • Especially for temporary readers-visitors, who do not wish to follow the developments in the area through the daily Newsletters, it provides a convenient way of reading what has happened during the month (or other publication period).
  • It provides a formal, published, and citable status to the contributions during the publication period. The News Journal is published, in the technical sense, both on paper and electronically, and it is guaranteed to be preserved and available on-line.


The last issue was published in 1999.

It is edited by Erik Sandewall at Linköping University, Sweden.